Best Bathroom Lighting for Applying Makeup: 5 Fixtures That Will Flatter Your Face

It’s nice to be able to apply makeup in a brightly-lit bathroom mirror. When you have plenty of light, you can see where you’ve missed a spot and make sure your makeup looks even all over. But if the lighting is wrong, your whole face will look weird. What kind of lighting is best for putting on makeup? The answer depends on who you are and what kind of look you want to achieve. Below, we discuss five ways to get flattering bathroom lighting for applying makeup that brings out your natural beauty.

Bathroom Lighting for Applying Makeup

It’s nice to be able to apply makeup in a brightly-lit bathroom mirror.

It’s nice to be able to apply makeup in a brightly-lit bathroom mirror. If you’re like me, it makes you feel more confident while doing your morning routine and allows you to change things up if you want to look different for an evening out or brunch with friends.

You can see what you’re doing: When it comes to applying makeup, I’ve learned that there are few things more important than seeing what I’m doing. The proper lighting helps me identify skin flaws and ensure my foundation is blended evenly across my face (rather than caking into one spot). It also lets me see how well my blush matches my lipstick color so that everything looks balanced instead of mismatched or dull on top of each other.

Avoid warm-colored lights, which tend to make people look tanned.

Avoid warm-colored lights, which tend to make people look tanned. These include incandescent bulbs, the traditional lightbulbs you grew up with; halogen lights; and LED lighting that uses tone-on-tone colors (think white with a hint of blue). All these can add a subtle bronze glow to your skin that’s especially noticeable when applying makeup.

Avoid warm-colored lights when applying makeup, such as those from incandescent bulbs (the traditional bulbs), halogen bulbs, and LED lamps that use tone-on-tone colors (think white with a hint of blue).

Best Bathroom Lighting for Applying Makeup

Make sure the lighting is not too dim or gloomy.

To ensure the lighting is not too dim or gloomy, look at your bathroom. Does it have an overhead light? If so, does it cast a nice glow on your face? Or does it seem like the sun is about to go down? If you’re feeling like a vampire, you probably need to add more light.

If you’re looking for an easy fix without needing any additional fixtures, try one of our favorite tricks: hang up mirrors on opposite walls. That way, when you’re applying makeup in front of one mirror (or, as we say here at Homepolish HQ, “doing your face”), there’s another one right behind you that’s reflecting enough natural light into the room so that no matter how far away from them both. Regardless of whether they are shining directly on you due to placement issues or other logistical issues explicitly related to this particular setup, they will still be casting some glow onto your features. Specifically, this person feels comfortable standing there while putting things on their face rather than somewhere else entirely, which would require moving furniture around again just like last time but hopefully less often now since everyone knows what needs doing and why now; thanks so much!

Make sure your makeup mirror has good lighting built into it.

Make sure your makeup mirror has good lighting built into it. If you want to see all the angles of your face and all the essential details, look for a mirror with an LED light strip or a separate lamp that sits on top of it.

Make sure you can see your skin tone. If you’re applying foundation, setting powder, bronzer, blush—or any other type of makeup product intended to even out your skin tone—you’ll need good lighting to determine whether it’s working. The same goes for seeing how well a lipstick or blush is blending into your natural coloration; if the lighting isn’t sufficient, then any imperfections will be magnified and obvious (and therefore more noticeable). No one wants that!

Make sure your makeup mirror has good lighting built into it

Make sure you can see your pores (and other stuff). One thing that happens when we put on the foundation is that we lose some of our ability to distinguish between texture and color (pores are generally darker than surrounding areas), so having bright enough light shining down on them will help prevent any confusion when applying products like concealers and correctors specifically designed for this purpose.

This tip also applies if there are other parts of our face where dark spots might sneak through even after extensive application: under eyeshadow around the mouth area can create lines when done incorrectly if they’re not appropriately blended using hands alone—so while using fingers may seem like a more accessible option at first glance due their flexibility and speediness during application time frames (which may only require 10 seconds per side), doing so could lead

Bright, natural light from windows is ideal for doing makeup.

Natural light is the best kind of light to apply makeup in. Natural light is soft and helps you see your face more clearly. It’s free, so there’s no reason not to use it when doing your makeup! Natural sunlight also has health benefits for your skin and eyes that are not found in artificial lights. With natural sunlight, you can create a flattering look for your face, resulting in a better sense of self-confidence when going out or hanging out with friends.

You can also find smart mirrors with built-in lights and voice control.

You can also find smart mirrors with built-in lights and voice control. These will sync with your smartphone to offer more features, like the ability to adjust the lighting based on feedback from a camera. A mirror with this type of technology might be able to tell when you’re wearing foundation, blush, or lipstick. The mirror may also provide tutorials on applying makeup or help you pick out new products that fit your skin tone best. In addition, some smart mirrors have built-in cameras that allow you to check in on yourself while applying makeup or styling your hair. These mirrors can also be used as an easy way to check for blemishes and other skin discoloration problems before heading out the door—speak up!

You’ll look your best if you choose the right bathroom lighting for applying makeup.

If you’re going to be applying makeup in the bathroom, it’s important that the lighting is flattering. Natural light is great, but if you want to use a mirror to apply your face, you’ll need to have good artificial light. Here’s what to look for:

  • Avoid harsh light. In addition to making wrinkles and other flaws more noticeable, harsh lighting can also cause unflattering shadows under your eyes. If possible, avoid fluorescent lights and incandescent bulbs (which create a yellowish tone) and instead choose LEDs or halogen lights with daylight color temperature ratings of 5000K or higher.
  • Look for diffuse lighting bulbs rather than direct ones. Direct bulbs will create sharp shadows on the features of your face; diffuse bulbs will spread their illumination over a wider area so that these shadows aren’t as noticeable.

If you’re like me, your bathroom vanity is a sacred place, and it should be well-lit and comfortable, not to mention filled with all of the beautiful makeup items I love so much. If you’re struggling to get good bathroom lighting for applying makeup, we hope this article has helped point out some things you might consider when shopping around for new fixtures. Now make yourself look incredible! For more tips visit our Blog