Laundry Room Lighting Ideas

Laundry rooms are often the biggest eyesores in the home. The average laundry room tends to be damp, dark, and full of smelly cleaning supplies. That’s why lighting is so important. With some simple tricks, you can make your laundry room brighter and more functional at the same time. We’ve rounded up our favorite laundry room lighting ideas that will work for any budget or space.

There are several ideas you can use to light up your laundry room

Laundry Room Lighting Ideas

Add a skylight.

Add a skylight. You may not have thought about it, but adding a skylight to your laundry room is one of the best ways to add natural light. This will help you see your clothes and detergent better, which means less bending over when putting your clothes in the dryer!

If you’ve got limited height, keep this in mind before installing a skylight—most of them are designed for taller rooms. If yours is too low, consider using an acrylic or glass dome instead so that it doesn’t block light from entering through the top of the dome.

Install pendants.

Pendants are a great way to add lighting to a laundry room. Alternatively, they can be mounted across the tops of cabinets above the washer and dryer. Pendants come in many styles and sizes; choose one that best suits your space and needs.

Before purchasing pendants, you should also consider how much light you want in your laundry room. If you need task lighting for longer projects, like ironing, consider installing an energy-efficient LED bulb with a dimmer switch to control how much light is coming from each pendant at any given time.

Use task lighting above the sink.

Task lighting should be directed at the area where you will be working. In the laundry room, this is typically above the sink or washing machine. For a laundry room with an under-counter washer and dryer, task lighting can be installed above each unit or specifically over areas commonly used to sort clothes (such as on top of cabinets).

Use task lighting above the sink.

Use bright lights to illuminate the area you are working on. Remember that brighter light may mean less time spent looking for lost items! Bright lights also come in handy when doing other tasks such as reading labels or writing down measurements. Some models allow for dimming if brightness adjustment is needed for certain tasks—this helps avoid eye strain and makes it easier to read labels and price tags without squinting too much!

Another thing to consider when choosing a new fixture: ease-of-installation/ease of replacement (or both!). Any fixture must be easy enough for anyone, regardless of their skill level or size requirements, so they can easily change bulbs themselves without having product engineers nearby!

Choose recessed lights.

Recessed lights are the best choice for a laundry room. They’re easy to install and don’t need to be changed since you can dim or brighten them. Recessed lighting provides even lighting throughout your laundry room, which is essential because you’ll want to be able to see every corner of it when doing the laundry. Recessed lights also allow you to add a decorative touch without blocking out natural light from entering through windows.

Add color with light strips.

Laundry rooms are a notoriously drab corner of the home. The functional nature of this room makes it hard to do anything too decorative, but you can still make your laundry room more inviting with color. Adding lights in fun colors can liven up the space and make it feel more like a part of your home rather than an afterthought.

If you’re looking for something bright and cheerful, light strips might be just what you need! They come in a wide range of colors—including options like candy pink and lime green—and they’re easy to install. You can place them under cabinets or along walls where they’ll be out of sight while adding some much-needed brightness to an otherwise drab space.

Light your laundry room from top-to-bottom.

Light your laundry room from top-to-bottom. You want lighting that is even and bright, but not too bright. It should also be dimmable, energy-efficient (at least 40% less than a typical incandescent bulb), and easy to install and maintain.

Light your laundry room from top-to-bottom.

Finally, it should be easy to fix if one of the bulbs goes out!

Lighting is a relatively easy way to change the look of your laundry room and make it more users simultaneously.

  • Lighting can be a relatively easy way to change the look of your laundry room and make it more users simultaneously.
  • How? Well, light is essential to function. You need good lighting for reading labels, folding clothes, and other tasks. The amount of natural light in your space will determine what lighting you need. If you have many windows or skylights, you probably don’t need additional overhead lights unless they’re placed in a way that illuminates specific areas (like under-sink cabinets). On the other hand, if there isn’t much natural light coming into your laundry room—or if the windows are small—then it’s worth considering adding some additional lighting so that you can see well enough to accomplish any task.

Lighting is a relatively easy way to change the look of your laundry room and make it more users simultaneously. You can also take this opportunity to add features like dimmers and sensors, which will help you utilize your new lighting even better. If you want to make this revamp last, think about adding water- or heat-resistant fixtures that will withstand the harsh conditions of a laundry room. Don’t be afraid to play around with different types of light fixtures in your space—there are plenty of options! Just remember that good lighting is both functional and beautiful; it doesn’t have to be one or the other.